Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
98355 Mulhouse Gare centrale 1969-9514 mediapop
93903 Materiali Foucaultiani 2239-5962 mf/materiali foucaultiani
109578 La lettre du réseau des sports de nature 1958-5101 ministère des sports
137580 (Updating website) 2269-9910
152110 Cross Sections musée national d’art moderne
43605 Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education n.a
90215 Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. Washington: American Mathematical Society n.a
90218 Бестник, Кыргызского НационалЬного Университета n.a
90581 Revue de CID n/a
629405 Communications Psychology (Commun Psychol) 2731-9121 nature
49126 Psicologica Politica nc
65492 Transeo Review nc
137761 [V!RUS JOURNAL] 2175-9740 nomads.usp
43438 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography non
90213 International Journal of Learning Technologies not yet available
48070 Revue Géographique des Pyrénées et du Sud-Ouest 0035-3221 nstitut de géographie (Toulouse)
178029 Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) 2516-029X nternational Association of Educators and Researchers (IAER)
111395 Nuovo Meridionalismo Studi 2464-9279 nuovomeridionalismostudi
660073 Landa 2316-5847 núcleo Onetti de Estudos Literários latino-americanos
151844 Esferas 2446-6190 o PPGCOM da Universidade de Brasília – UnB
805197 Revue jeunes et sociétés observatoire jeunes et société (québec)
680516 cuestiones de pluralismo 2792-3037 observatorio del pluralismo religioso
105805 GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 0940-5550 oekom verlag
62282 Archeologia Bulgarica 1310-9537 of Archaeologia Bulgarica
629080 Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology and therapeutics 1884-8826 official English online journal of the Japanese Society of Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology
129355 Innovative Energy and Research 2576-1463 omics
176125 Journal of music, health and Wellbeing 2515-981X open acess
50715 American Entomologist 1046-2821 oxford Academic
181331 indian journal of research paripex
102703 Cahiers Kubaba Rites et célébrations paris L'Harmattan
644136 Open Journal of Chemistry 2641-3051 peertechz
118069 Planur-e 2340-8235 planur-e
135382 Mon Quotidien play bac
174449 P.U.N. Edulor, coll. Santé, qualité de vie et handicap presse universitaire de Nancy
173240 Mélanges de Sciences religieuses presses Septentrion
150882 Quaderni dell’Hôtel de Gallifet presses universitaires de Frannce
182171 De la page blanche aux salles obscures, adaptations et réadaptations dans le monde anglophone presses universitaires de Rennes
150487 Recherches en didactique du français presses universitaires de namur
108547 Bulletin cercle généalogique d'Alsace publié en Alsace
742244 Lamma: A Journal of Libyan Studies 2642-861X punctum books
120755 Salles Propres et Maîtrise de la Contamination pyc
140989 V!iRUS 2175-974X revista nomads up
416608 Revista Compolítica 2236-4781
135499 Estudios de Historia Novohispana 1870-9060 revistas UNAM
973521 Territorios 0123-8418 revistas urosario
145141 Révolution Franç 2271-7528
49045 Mortibus 1950-3237 revue Mortibus
37280 PsychoMédia revue PsychoMédia
177445 Le français 2000 revue de la SBPF
103072 Études interculturelles revue de la chaire Unesco Mémoires, cultures et interculturalité, Université catholique de Lyon
453156 Décors revue de l’Ensad
105684 Szenarium revue du Nemzeti szinhaz
176912 L’Autre musique revue en ligne
98366 Recherches en Danse
102223 Revue de l'IFHA
45787 ASp - La revue du GERAS 2108-6354 (en ligne) / Bordeaux : GERAS (imprimé)
133200 FATHOM - a French e-journal of Thomas Hardy Studies 2270-6798
136090 JITEC, Journal Innovations et technologies région ARA
48869 Asylon(s) 8089-9790 réseau scientifique TERRA (Travaux, Études, Recherches sur les Réfugiés et l’Asile)
114776 Electronic book review 1553-1139 s. n
112492 Les Cahiers Haut-Marnais 0008-025X s. n
63219 Dyptique s.e
140356 Rivista Fevereiro 2236-2037 s.e
124082 Exemplaires s.n
158215 E-Learning and Digital Media sage
179387 Cartes postales magazine 2262-2756 sas Laureanne CPM
307642 Scapegoat : Architecture | Landscape | Political Economy
139127 Journal of Economics and Public Finance 2377-1038 scholink
133604 schwarz-auf-weiss schwarz-auf-weiss
90515 Research journal on Computer science and computer engineering with applications scielomx
522204 American Journal of Mechanics and Applications 2376-6115 science publishing group
169385 International Journal of Data Science and Analysis 2575-1883 science publishing group
183189 Journal of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering 2771-666X scivision
119567 Acta Structuralica - International Journal for Structuralist Research 2504-1665 sdvig press
148229 Linguistique de l’écrit sdvig press
52331 MathémaTICE sesamath
130172 tjrs 2377-8083 shakageniesse
130171 tjsr 2377-8083 shakageniesse
816349 Analyse Opinion Critique 2647-6509 société AOC
177972 Bulltin de la société d'archéologie copte 0005-948X société d'archéologie copte
963145 Revue d'ethnozootechnie 0397-6572 société d'ethnozootechnie
926763 Bulletin de la société d'histoire du protestantisme tarnais société d'histoire du protestantisme tarnais
494516 romania 0035-8029 société des amis de la Romania
148320 Sociétés, espaces, temps sociétés, espaces, temps SET
90185 IPCO springer
102432 International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials 1976-0485 springer
183933 Journal of SN Applied Sciences 2523-3971 springer
250601 Research Square - Preprint 2693-5015 springer
608852 SECRYPT BOOK springer
98217 s u b u r b a n : zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 2197-2567 suburban : zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung
171198 中山大学文献馆主编《西学东渐研究第六辑-西学东渐与儒家经典翻译》 sun yat sen university
559553 Working Paper Series swisspeace
106949 Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics 1672-9897 syltlx
40380 Review of Modern Logic 1047-5982
176626 SOLEIL Highlights 2020 synchrotron SOLEIL
178778 ökologie & landbau 1015-2423 söl fibl
489758 Studi sull’aristotelismo medievale (secoli VI-XVI) 2974-7198 tab edizioni
20714 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics tayl
109963 Macchine Utensili 1126-3377 tecniche nuove
170866 Librosdelacorte test
111152 Exilforschung. Ein internationales Jahrbuch 0175-3347 text + kritik
21959 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 0160-6689 the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology
104205 Indogaku Chibettogaku Kenkyu 1342-7377 the Association for the Study of Indian Philosophy, Kyoto
116868 Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law 1558-7215 the Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL)
25954 Philippine Studies 2244-1093 the Ateneo de Manila University
118100 The International Journal of Condition Monitoring 2047-6426 the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
101430 The Journal of Pan African Studies 2156-5600 the California Institute of Pan African Studies
105718 INFOR : Information Systems and Operational Research 0315-5986 the Canadian Operational Research Society, University of Toronto Press
729028 Journal of Architecture & Environment 2355-262X the Center for Scientific Publication
126397 Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 1811-5713 the Center for Southeast Asian Studies - National Chi Nan University
160570 GESTA - the International Center of Medieval Art 0016-920X the Chicago University Press
191481 Naše řeč 2571-0893 the Czech Academy of Sciences
117960 Cornova 1804-6983 the Czech Society for Eighteenth Century Studies
149399 Pilgrimages: The Journal of Dorothy Richardson Studies 2050-9502 the Dorothy Richardson Society
146200 Interface. Journal of European Languages and Literatures 2519-1268 the European Languages Division, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
110763 Endoxa 1133-5351 the Faculty of Philosophy at the National University of Distance Learning (UNED)
171961 Geophysica 0367-4231 the Geophysical Society of Finland
697085 Qazaq Historical Review the Institute for Humanities Studies ABDI (Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty)
117842 Studia Hercynia 1212-5865 the Institute of Classical Archaeology, Charles University in Prague
164194 IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (Japanese Edition) 1881-0225 the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
785900 Journal of the Iranian Association of Arabic Language and Literature 2345-6361 the Iranian Association of Arabic Language and Literature
117919 Annals of Dermatology 1013-9087 the Korean Dermatological Association and the Korean Society for Investigative Dermatology
107313 JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology
108023 Bulletin - Phonetic Society of Japan 0911-0402 the Phonetics Society of Japan
264085 Radiology: Imaging Cancer 2638-616X the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
16386 Journal of the Royal Society Interface 1742-5689 the Royal Society
91606 Materials Horizons 2051-6347 the Royal Society of Chemistry
118292 Tribology in Industry 0354-8996 the Serbian Tribology Society
123565 The Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies 1206-9330 the Society for Indo-Judaic Studies
174759 Journal of cultural linguistic and artistic studies 2625-8943 the democratic Arabic center
142694 Tinta Expresa. Revista de Literatura tinta expresa editores
227185 Carnet de recherches Hypotheses - Digital History Berlin
161728 Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik 1869-3660 transcript-Verlag, Allemagne
171289 Trou noir
110877 revue internationale de l'université catholique de lyon ucly
166942 Canada and Beyond. A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies 2254-1179 publicaciones
70310 Bioinformatics -Oxford undefined or unknown publisher
67848 Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medecine (MAGMA) undefined or unknown publisher
63329 Technique et sciences informatiques undefined or unknown publisher
119509 Revista de Historio 1885-2718 universidad Carlos III Madrid Espagne
171506 Revista de estudios europeos 1132-7170 universidad de Valladolid
150345 Cooperativismo e economía social 1130-2682 universidad de Vigo
109209 MORINGA - Artes do Espetáculo universidade Federal da Paraiba
102707 Estudos Japoneses, revista do centro de estudos Japoneses da universidade de Sao Paulo universidade de Sao Paulo
116051 Doct-us 2065-3247 universitatea Stefan Cel Mare Suceava
172101 Gene Reviews university of Washington
122461 Journal of Constitutional History - Giornale di Storia Costituzionale 1593-0793 università di macerata
167064 Voix contemporaines université Jean-Monnet Saint-Étienne
163420 Les Nouveaux Cahiers de MARGE université Jean-Moulin Lyon 3
162262 Norsud 2073-4042 université Misurata (Libye)
145023 Carnets du CERPAC université Paul Valéry Montpellier
148698 al-Andalus-Magreb université de Cadix
883174 Le Recueil ouvert, Épopées d’Asie : du Moyen-Orient à l’Asie centrale 2496-5731 université de Grenoble
172053 Meiji Law Review 0389-5947 université de Meiji, faculté de droit
168363 Academia 2241-1402 université de Patras, GR
108246 Revista linguarum arena université de Porto
688854 Lettre de l'EOST université de Strasbourg
337601 Slavica occitania 1245-2491 université de Toulouse
109637 Fikre Wa Lougha université de mostaganem
291228 Revue Sciences Humaines 2588-2007 université des frères Mentouri Constantine 1
179952 istmica 1023-0890 université du Costa Rica
177052 International Journal of Economic Performance - المجلة الدولية للأداء الاقتصادي 2661-7161 université m'hamed Bougara Boumerdes Algerie
90512 International Journal on Networking and Computing unknown
179119 Specula. Revista de Humanidades y Espiritualidad 2697-2484
123837 UZAK, Trimestrale online di cultura cinematografica 2039-800X
135094 Faces da historia v. 3 n. 1 (2016): História antenada: mídias eletrônicas e a contemporaneidade
165107 Au fil de Mau 0997-1505 ville de Châlons-en-Champagne
126483 Bonner Jahrbücher 2509-7733 von Zabern
669 E Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership d000-0925 weLEAD Inc., Ohio, U.S.A
151943 Addiction wiley
167225 Chemistry–Methods 2628-9725 wiley
127948 contribution to plasmas physics 1521-3986 wiley
134668 Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 2424-9424 world scientific
109758 International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations 2251-8843
173773 Bulletin du CREAS
113049 ARTA
565274 American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research 2378-703X
168326 Carnets de l’anthropOLOgie pour tous
162746 ARTMargins Online 1941-4102
170155 Clystère 2257-7459
401247 De Europa, Université de Turin
134604 International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies 2394-0522
445192 Asian Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Global Press Hub (GPH) is a global publishing company that publishes textbooks, atlases, monographs, e-books, reference books, magazines, conference proceedings and peer-reviewed journals in science
167020 International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2393-8870
351654 International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences
115585 International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies 2394-4404
125488 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology 2347-6710
158237 La Revue Marocaine de la Pensée Contemporaine 2605-6488
907194 Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology
571903 The Journal of Mythic Society 0047-8555
180951 Revue de L'OHADA
109759 Journal of Mathematics and Informatics 2349-0632
115588 IJMH - International Journal of Management and Humanities 2249-7289
128847 L'Observatoire
173832 National Journal of Hindi & Sanskrit Research 2454-9177
142258 Journal of Threatened Taxa 0974-7907
107677 CULTUR
138817 Terminologica 2607-5008
58871 Dynamis 0211-9536 x
150047 EU-topías x